Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Sea Week Haumoana Style

Last week was Sea Week.  This years theme was 'Look Beneath the Surface'.  To celebrate this the Junior Syndicate did a Beach Clean-up down at our local beach.  We all walked down to the beach through our closest vineyard, Elephant Hill and were met at the beach by Sally and TK, Regional council officers who told us of the importance of what we were about to do.
Here are some of the childrens stories for you to enjoy..

We went to the beach for Sea Week and we found treasure.  We found rubbish too in the gardens and bushes It was a long walk and we had to walk through Elephant Hill.  We saw grapes too.   Olivia

Yesterday we went to the beach clean up to stop the rubbish going into the water.  We need to stop the rubbish because the fish will eat it and die.  I picked up a yellow bag and my glove came off because a bush pulled my glove off.   Louie

We went to the beach yesterday and we picked up lots of rubbish.  We saw a puffer fish and we threw it into the sea.  We found heaps of rubbish   Paitin-Rose

I loved our beach cleanup.  I picked up the rubbish too.  It was so exciting.  I was happy.  I felt tired when we went back from the beach.  We had a free swim.  William

Here are some of the photos..



Well Done Junior Syndicate

Monday, 9 March 2015

A Special Visitor

A couple of weeks ago Lucy came to school quite excited.  She had had a special visitor to her place...Read her story and find out more.

In the morning me and Harry went into the garage to play Haylow and we saw a Morepork sitting there looking at us.  I felt happy looking back at it.  I saw it and I liked its eyes. It had big black eyes.  We opened up the garage and it flew out. 

                                                      Lucy's photos are on our eco wall.
Our native Morepork can be heard in the forest at dusk and night.  It is known for its haunting call.  Its Maori name Ruru reflects its call. Lucky Lucy I'd say!!

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Our First Works Of Art

Our Self Portaraits are almost complete.
  We have had a lot of fun planning these.  We began by using mirrors to look in detail at our face describing each feature.  This was followed by a hands on session once again using mirrors  noticing where our eyes were in relation to our ears, then our nose and mouth.  This detail was then transferred to our portraits where we sponged paint onto a black background and then used collage to create an original interpretation of ourselves.
They look great!