Monday, 13 April 2015

Education Outside The Classroom 2015

Although this seems ages ago now the memories and the fun times we shared are still as alive as if it was yesterday. It really was a week full of highlights and different experiences, which we all, children and adults alike, took delight in sharing with each other. From the wonderful meandering walk through neighbouring driveways to get to the Haumoana Petting Zoo, and the amazing assortment of hands-on animals that we could lead or pet or just feed, to the excited faces seeing the children dress up in clothes from 100 years ago at the museum. And then of course to begin our week was the Arataki Honey Farm and the different experiences associated with that, learning about the importance of bees, making candles and bringing home our own pot of honey. Wow and of course there was more…

I will enclose a few of the childrens thoughts about the week and afew photos which could be difficult as there are heaps!

Last week we went on an adventure and we went on lots of them! The Haumoana Zoo was my favourite because we saw emu and we got to hold a guinee pig.  That was the best!  We even got to play on the playground. It was a long walk there and we found pinecones and we found lots of feathers.  It was fantastic.  I like the Haumoana Zoo.                               Ava

At EOTC week I liked the Haumoana Zoo because I liked all the animals.  My favourite was the horse because it was soft.                           Morgan

Last week we went to Arataki Honey and the Museum and it was fun.  I liked it when we dressed up also I liked the Farm Yard Zoo.  I loved everything!  I went back to Arataki Honey Farm and I got some treats. It was a toy bee and some bee rubbers.                                                   Emily

Last week we went to the Haumoana Farmyard Zoo.  I liked the Highland bull. He came all the way from Scotland and his red hair covered his eyes and he had big as horns.  The llama had big bottom teeth and the horse had a big head.                                      Jokarvin

Last week we had EOTC week.  EOTC week means adventures.  My favourite was the Haumoana Zoo.  EOTC week was awesome.  My favourite animal at the zoo was the bull and the horses and the llamas.  Who went with us were Room 8, Room 1 and Room 3.  Then we went back to school.  I ate lunch and then I had a play.  It was a long walk.                                          Teo


Arataki Honey Farm
Walking to the Farmyard Zoo

Fun at the Farmyard Zoo




The boys at the mueseum

The girls in their frocks

Thanks to everyone who participated in this fantastic week. We couldn't have done it without you.
Kay Foley :)

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